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We got that girl so excited that she actually peed the bed. She had lost all control. She cried and she kept apologizing but Julie kept telling her that it was okay. It really was okay. They didn’t know it but I had a plastic cover on my mattress.After a shower and a nice breakfast Julie gave Karen the two hundred dollars that she had won and we took her home. She had a small apartment just off campus and invited us in to meet her roommates. Her two roommates were two of the girls from the contest the night before. The three of them had agreed to enter the contest and who ever won would pay the landlord. Karen handed over the money. One of the girls asked, “Who did you have to sleep with?” Karen said, “Just Julie. He took some pictures but he didn’t fuck me. I’m still a virgin.” The girl said, “You better be. Remember we are all good girls.”In the car Julie said, “Karen was a virgin! Holy shit! Who would have known?”That afternoon we changed the wet sheets and found a trace of blood,. Say you'd seen a couple of really hot guys flirting with me instead - would you have been jealous?"She swore she felt his body tense and smiled to herself. "Hell, yeah," he agreed without hesitation. Then he was the one to sigh. "Difference is, you know I want to be more than just friends so it would have been justified."She thought about that for a few seconds, wondering if her jealousy meant she would never be able to be "just friends" with Kevin. She smiled wryly at herself. Hadn't she been over this a thousand times in her mind already? If Kevin could promise her that adding sex back into their relationship wouldn't destroy their friendship, she would go home with him right now and give him a night he wouldn't soon forget.She knew that wasn't a promise anyone could make though. She sighed, loudly and deeply. Heather's words came back to haunt her: "you'll never know until you try." Okay." Okay what?" Kevin repeated.She just kept her head on his shoulder as she said, "Maybe we.
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